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Cad. Bras. Ter. Ocup ; 32: e3678, 2024. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1534104


Resumo Introdução Desastres trazem consequências humanas, socioeconômicas e ambientais e agravam situações de vulnerabilidade. Tanto países centrais, altamente industrializados, como países com dificuldades econômicas estão sujeitos a esses eventos. No Brasil, a pandemia de COVID-19 e o rompimento de barragens evidenciam dificuldades em se antecipar e responder esses tipos de eventos. Ações da terapia ocupacional no campo das emergências e desastres são escassas na literatura, notadamente na esfera da prevenção. Objetivo Explorar as evidências da contribuição de terapeutas ocupacionais no domínio da gestão de risco e desastres a partir das características, prioridades e principais áreas de interesse da produção intelectual em terapia ocupacional. Método Uma pesquisa abrangente será conduzida nos periódicos Disasters, Hazards & Crisis in Public Policy, International Journal of Mass Emergencies and Disasters, and Risk, International Journal of Risk Reduction e Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management, assim como nas bases de dados Occupational Therapy Literature Search Service (OTDBASE), PubMed e Web of Science. Critérios de inclusão Ações e experiências no âmbito da terapia ocupacional, notadamente aquelas de terapeutas ocupacionais na gestão de riscos e desastres, encontradas em estudos revisados por pares, que adotem métodos quantitativos, qualitativos e mistos, nos idiomas espanhol, inglês e português, sem restrição temporal. A abordagem preconizada pelo Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI) para seleção de estudos, avaliação crítica, extração e síntese de dados será utilizada.

Abstract Introduction Disasters bring human, socioeconomic, and environmental consequences and exacerbate situations of vulnerability. Both highly industrialized core countries and those facing economic difficulties are subject to these events. In Brazil, the COVID-19 pandemic and the collapse of dams highlight difficulties in anticipating and responding to these types of events. Actions of occupational therapy in the field of emergencies and disasters are scarce in the literature, notably in the sphere of prevention. Objective To explore the evidence of the contribution of occupational therapists in the field of risk management and disasters based on the characteristics, priorities, and main areas of interest of intellectual production in occupational therapy. Method A comprehensive search will be conducted in the journals Disasters, Hazards & Crisis in Public Policy, International Journal of Mass Emergencies and Disasters, and Risk, International Journal of Risk Reduction, and Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management, as well as in the databases Occupational Therapy Literature Search Service (OTDBASE), PubMed, and Web of Science. Inclusion Criteria Actions and experiences in the field of occupational therapy, notably those of occupational therapists in risk and disaster management, found in peer-reviewed studies adopting quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods, in Spanish, English, and Portuguese, without temporal restriction. The approach advocated by the Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI) for study selection, critical appraisal, and data collection and synthesis will be used.

Rev. gaúch. enferm ; 45: e20230020, 2024. tab
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1536381


ABSTRACT Objective: To verify the characteristics of safety incident reports resulting in moderate and severe harm to pediatric patients in two hospitals during the COVID-19 pandemic. Method: Cross-sectional study conducted in two hospitals in southern Brazil. The sample consisted of 137 notifications from March 2020 to August 2021. The data were collected through the electronic records of the institutions' notification systems and analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Results: The most prevalent incidents were related to clinical processes or procedures (41.6%), affecting slightly more females (49.6%) and infants (39.4%). The majority of incidents (48.2%) occurred in inpatient units. The event sector (p=0.001) and the shift (p=0.011) showed statistically significant associations in both hospitals. Conclusion: The characteristics of the notifications are similar between the institutions surveyed, with a low number of moderate and severe incidents.

RESUMEN Objetivo: Verificar las características de los informes de incidentes de seguridad que resultaron en daños moderados y graves a pacientes pediátricos en dos hospitales durante la pandemia de COVID-19. Método: Estudio transversal realizado en dos hospitales del sur de Brasil. La muestra consistió en 137 notificaciones entre marzo de 2020 y agosto de 2021. Los datos se recogieron a través de los registros electrónicos de los sistemas de notificación de las instituciones y se analizaron mediante estadística descriptiva e inferencial. Resultados: Los incidentes más prevalentes estuvieron relacionados con procesos o procedimientos clínicos (41,6%), afectando ligeramente más a mujeres (49,6%) y lactantes (39,4%). La mayoría de los incidentes (48,2%) se produjeron en unidades de hospitalización. El sector del suceso (p=0,001) y el turno (p=0,011) se asociaron de forma estadísticamente significativa en ambos hospitales. Conclusión: Las características de las notificaciones son similares entre las instituciones encuestadas, con un bajo número de incidentes moderados y graves.

RESUMO Objetivo: Verificar as características das notificações de incidentes de segurança resultantes em dano moderado e grave em pacientes pediátricos de dois hospitais durante a pandemia COVID-19. Método: Estudo transversal, realizado em dois hospitais no sul do Brasil. A amostra foi composta por 137 notificações correspondentes ao período de março de 2020 a agosto de 2021. Os dados foram coletados pelo registro eletrônico dos sistemas de notificação das instituições e analisados por estatística descritiva e inferencial. Resultados: Os incidentes mais prevalentes foram relacionados aos processos ou procedimentos clínicos (41,6%), acometeram discretamente mais o sexo feminino (49,6%) e lactentes (39,4%). A maioria dos incidentes (48,2%) ocorreram em unidades de internação. O setor do evento (p=0,001) e o turno (p=0,011) obtiveram associação estatística significativa nos dois hospitais. Conclusão: As características das notificações são semelhantes entre as instituições pesquisadas, sendo evidenciado baixo número de incidentes moderados e graves.

Rev. saúde pública (Online) ; 58: 09, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536771


ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE Analyze the impact of the state research-action project on immunization indicators (vaccination coverage - VC, homogeneity of vaccination coverage - HVC, dropout rate - DR, and risk rating) before and after the intervention in municipalities and priority Regional Health Administrations/Regional Health Superintendencies (RHA/RHS). METHODS The state research-action project was a before-after community clinical trial conducted in 212 municipalities belonging to eight RHA/RHS in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. The study sample comprised RHA/RHS with a decreasing trend for routine vaccination coverage in children under one year from 2015 to 2020. This study used secondary VC and DR data from 10 immunobiologicals recommended for children younger than two years from January to December 2021 (pre-intervention period, prior to the state research-action project) and from January to December 2022 (post-intervention period). The categorical variables were presented in proportions, and initially, a comparison was made between those of DR, HVC, and the risk rating for the transmission of vaccine-preventable diseases, according to the two periods (2021 and 2022), using the McNemar test. RESULTS All immunization indicators increased after conducting the research-action project. In 2021, 80.66% of the state's municipalities had a risk rating for the transmission of vaccine-preventable diseases as "high and very high." In 2022, the value reduced to 68.40%. CONCLUSIONS Risk rating for the transmission of vaccine-preventable diseases is an important mechanism to assist managers in defining priorities. The state research-action project used a method that enabled the construction and execution of unique action plans for each municipality, directing the improvement of immunization indicators in the state.

RESUMO OBJETIVO Analisar o impacto do projeto estadual de pesquisa-ação nos indicadores de imunização (coberturas vacinais - CV, homogeneidade de cobertura vacinal - HCV, taxa de abandono - TA e classificação de risco) antes e após a intervenção em municípios e Gerências Regionais de Saúde/Superintendências Regionais de Saúde (GRS/SRS) prioritários. MÉTODOS O projeto estadual de pesquisa-ação foi um ensaio clínico comunitário, do tipo antes-depois, realizado em 212 municípios pertencentes a oito GRS/SRS do estado de Minas Gerais, Brasil. Compuseram a amostra do estudo as SRS/GRS com tendência decrescente para a cobertura vacinal de rotina em crianças menores de 1 ano, no período de 2015 a 2020. Neste estudo, foram utilizados dados secundários de CV e TA de 10 imunobiológicos recomendados para crianças menores de 2 anos, no período de janeiro a dezembro de 2021 (período pré-intervenção, anterior ao projeto estadual de pesquisa-ação) e de janeiro a dezembro de 2022 (período pós-intervenção). As variáveis categóricas foram apresentadas em proporções e, inicialmente, realizou-se a comparação entre as de TA, HCV e a classificação de risco para a transmissão de doenças imunopreveníveis, segundo os dois períodos (2021 e 2022), utilizando-se o teste McNemar. RESULTADOS Observou-se um aumento de todos os indicadores de imunização após a realização do projeto de pesquisa-ação. No ano de 2021, 80,66% dos municípios do estado tiveram a classificação de risco para transmissão de doenças imunopreveníveis como "alto e muito alto risco". Em 2022, o valor foi reduzido para 68,40%. CONCLUSÕES A classificação de risco para transmissão de doenças imunopreveníveis é um mecanismo importante para auxiliar os gestores na definição de prioridades. O projeto estadual de pesquisa-ação empregou um método que possibilitou a construção e a execução de planos de ação singulares a cada município, direcionando a melhoria dos indicadores de imunização no estado.

Humans , Male , Female , Infant, Newborn , Infant , Risk Management , Child , Vaccination Coverage , Health Impact Assessment
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535435


Introducción: El Régimen Subsidiado (RS) del sistema de salud colombiano tiene problemáticas estructurales que no han sido solucionadas y son pocos los estudios que profundizan en la explicación de estas. Objetivo: Explorar la experiencia en la dirección estratégica y gestión operativa y financiera de este régimen, sus aspectos operativos y de gestión del riesgo en esta población, así como las diferencias percibidas frente al Régimen Contributivo. Metodología: Estudio cualitativo. Se utilizó el análisis del discurso desde la perspectiva sociohermenéutica como técnica analítica. Se entrevistaron diez participantes, entre directivos de aseguradoras del RS y gestores del sistema de salud. Las entrevistas fueron grabadas y anonimizadas, previo consentimiento informado. Resultados: Emergen tres patrones discursivos que explican la gestión del riesgo en el RS y su diferenciación con el contributivo. Estos patrones se conectan por medio del rol de los determinantes sociales de la salud como ordenador principal de los procesos de salud-enfermedad y de atención en este régimen. A su vez, estas condiciones de vida son las que determinan de manera importante el perfil epidemiológico, acceso, costo de la atención y en general la forma cómo se consumen los servicios de salud por la población afiliada. Discusión: La literatura del aseguramiento en salud reporta que la gestión del riesgo es una función central y supone un ejercicio estratégico para el adecuado manejo de la siniestralidad para optimizar el uso de la Unidad de Pago por Capitación (UPC) asignada. Los hallazgos muestran que los determinantes sociales de la salud no están siendo tenidos en cuenta como ordenador para la atención, por lo tanto, la gestión del riesgo se centra en la atención de patologías en estados avanzados. Conclusiones: los actores perciben que en general, la situación de salud de los afiliados en este régimen es más grave, más complicada y con mayor carga, lo cual genera una tensión en materia de suficiencia de la unidad per cápita. Existe una ausencia discursiva sobre el rol del modelo de atención y su correlación con las necesidades de esta población.

Introduction: The subsidized regime (SR) of the Colombian health system has structural problems that have not yet been resolved and there is a lack of studies that allow the understanding of most of them. The aim of this study was to explore with stakeholders of the subsidized regime the experience about strategic, financial, and health risk management and the differences perceived with the contributory regime. Methods: A qualitative study was performed; the analytic technique used was the discourse analysis under socio-hermeneutic perspective. 10 participants were interviewed, among them directors of insurance companies of SR and health care system managers. The interviews were recorded, prior informed consent, and analyzed according to the discourse analysis. Finding: Three discursive patterns emerged that explain risk management in SR and its differentiation from contributory regime. These patterns are connected through the role of the social determinants of health as the main axis that explain the health-disease and care processes in this regimen. At the same time, these living conditions are what determine the epidemiological profile, access, cost of care and, in general, the way in which health services are consumed by the affiliated population. Discussion: The health insurance literature reports that risk management is a central function, and it is a strategic exercise for the proper management of claims to optimize the use of resources, however, the findings show that the social determinants of health are not being taken into account as a key element for healthcare organization, therefore, risk management focuses on care for pathologies in advanced stages. Conclusions: The actors perceive that the health situation in this regime is more severe, more complicated and with a greater burden disease, which generates a tension in terms of sufficiency of the Per Capita Unit. There is a discursive absence on the role of the care model and its correlation with the needs of this population.

Rev. enferm. UERJ ; 31: e75415, jan. -dez. 2023.
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1526911


Objetivo: analisar a gestão de riscos proativa do processo de administração de anti-infecciosos em Unidade de Terapia Intensiva. Método: estudo qualitativo, em pesquisa-ação, com observação participante e grupo focal, realizado de 2019 a 2021. Foi mapeado o processo, analisados os riscos, planejadas ações de melhorias e redesenhado o processo. Resultados: a prescrição ocorria em sistema eletrônico e os registros da administração em impressos. O processo de administração de anti-infecciosos possuía 19 atividades, dois subprocessos, 16 modos de falhas e 23 causas potenciais. Os modos de falhas foram relacionados à assepsia e erro de dose no preparo de anti-infecciosos e as causas apontadas foram a falha humana na violação das técnicas e o lapso de memória. Cinco especialistas redesenharam o processo resultando em alterações de atividades e no sistema. Conclusão: a gestão de riscos proativa aplicada ao processo de administração de anti-infecciosos propiciou identificar riscos, suas causas e priorizar ações de melhorias, o que pode viabilizar tomadas de decisões apropriadas.

Objective: to analyze the proactive risk management of the anti-infective administration process in an Intensive Care Unit. Method: qualitative study, in action research, with participant observation and focus group, from 2019 to 2021. The process was mapped, risks analyzed, improvement actions planned and the process redesigned. Results: the prescription occurred in an electronic system and the administration records in printed form. The anti-infective administration process had 19 activities, two sub-processes, 16 failure modes and 23 potential causes. The failure modes were related to asepsis and dose error in the preparation of anti-infectives and the identified causes were human error in violating techniques and memory lapse. Five specialists redesigned the process resulting in changes in activities and in the system. Conclusion: proactive risk management applied to the anti-infective administration process was effective in identifying risks, their causes and prioritizing improvement actions.

Objetivo: analizar la gestión proactiva de riesgos del proceso de administración de antiinfecciosos en una Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos. Método: estudio cualitativo, en investigación-acción, con observación participante y grupo focal, que tuvo lugar del 2019 al 2021. Se mapeó el proceso, se analizaron los riesgos, se planificaron acciones de mejora y se rediseñó el proceso. Resultados: la prescripción ocurrió en sistema electrónico y los registros de administración en forma impresa. El proceso de administración de antiinfecciosos tuvo 19 actividades, dos subprocesos, 16 modos de falla y 23 causas potenciales. Los modos de falla estuvieron relacionados con la asepsia y error de dosis en la preparación de antiinfecciosos y las causas identificadas fueron error humano por violación de técnicas y lapsus de memoria. Cinco especialistas rediseñaron el proceso generando cambios en las actividades y en el sistema. Conclusión: la gestión proactiva de riesgos aplicada al proceso de administración de antiinfecciosos fue efectiva para identificar riesgos, sus causas y priorizar acciones de mejora, lo que puede factibilizar la toma de decisiones adecuadasa.

Rev. latinoam. enferm. (Online) ; 31: e3861, ene.-dic. 2023. tab
Article in English | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1431832


Abstract Objective: to evaluate nursing professionals and patient safety culture during the professional performance in the care of suspected or infected patients with COVID-19. Method: a cross-sectional study carried out with 90 professionals from critical care units of two teaching hospitals. An instrument for sociodemographic characterization and health conditions was used, in addition to the constructs "Nursing professional and patient safety" and the Hospital Survey on Patient Safety Culture. Univariate analyzes were performed between the diagnosis of COVID-19 and the characteristics of Nursing professionals, applying Kendell's correlation between the constructs. Results: the COVID-19 diagnosis presented a significant statistical difference between nursing professionals that worked for more than six years at the critical care unit (p=0.020) and the items of the construct "Nursing professional and patient safety" regarding the doubts about how to remove the personal protective equipment (p=0.013) and safety flow (p=0,021). The dimensions 2 (p=0.003), 3 (p=0.009), 4 (p=0.013), 6 (p<0.001), and 9 (p=0.024) of the Hospital Survey on Patient Safety Culture were associated with the accomplishment of training. Conclusion: a higher professional nursing experience time was associated with non-infection by COVID-19. The perception of the safety culture of the patient was related to the accomplishment of training.

Resumo Objetivo: avaliar a segurança dos profissionais de enfermagem e a cultura de segurança do paciente durante a atuação profissional no atendimento de pacientes suspeitos ou com COVID-19. Método: estudo transversal realizado com 90 profissionais de unidades críticas de dois hospitais-escola. Foi utilizado um instrumento para caracterização sociodemográfica e condições de saúde, além dos constructos "Segurança do profissional e do paciente" e Hospital Survey on Patient Safety Culture. Foram realizadas análises univariadas entre o diagnóstico de COVID-19 e as características dos profissionais, aplicando-se a correlação de Kendell entre os constructos. Resultados: o diagnóstico de COVID-19 apresentou diferença estatisticamente significativa entre os profissionais que trabalhavam há mais de seis anos na unidade (p=0,020) e os itens do constructo "Segurança do profissional e do paciente" referentes às dúvidas sobre como retirar o equipamento de proteção individual (p=0,013) e fluxo seguro (p=0,021). As dimensões 2 (p=0,003), 3 (p=0,009), 4 (p=0,013), 6 (p<0,001) e 9 (p=0,024) do Hospital Survey on Patient Safety Culture foram associadas à realização de treinamentos. Conclusão: maior tempo de experiência profissional do profissional de enfermagem esteve associado a não infecção por COVID-19. A percepção de cultura de segurança do paciente esteve relacionada à realização de treinamentos.

Resumen Objetivo: evaluar la seguridad de los profesionales de enfermería y la cultura de seguridad del paciente durante su actuación profesional en el cuidado de pacientes sospechosos o con COVID-19. Método: estudio transversal realizado con 90 profesionales de unidades críticas de dos hospitales universitarios. Se utilizó un instrumento de caracterización sociodemográfica y de condiciones de salud, además de los constructos "Seguridad del profesional y del paciente" y Hospital Survey on Patient Safety Culture. Se realizaron análisis univariados entre el diagnóstico de COVID-19 y las características de los profesionales y se aplicó la correlación de Kendell entre los constructos. Resultados: el diagnóstico de COVID-19 mostró diferencia estadísticamente significativa entre los profesionales que actuaron por más de seis años en la unidad (p=0,020) y los ítems del constructo "Seguridad del profesional y del paciente" referentes a dudas sobre cómo retirar el Equipo de Protección Personal (p=0,013) y flujo seguro (p=0,021). Las dimensiones 2 (p=0,003), 3 (p=0,009), 4 (p=0,013), 6 (p<0,001) y 9 (p=0,024) del Hospital Survey on Patient Safety Culture se asociaron a la realización de formación. Conclusión: mayor tiempo de experiencia profesional de enfermería se asoció con la no infección por COVID-19. La percepción de la cultura de seguridad del paciente se relacionó con la realización de entrenamiento.

Humans , Risk Management , Cross-Sectional Studies , Occupational Health , Critical Care , Patient Safety , Personal Protective Equipment , COVID-19/epidemiology , Hospitals, University , Nurse Practitioners , Nurses
Rev. argent. radiol ; 87(3): 102-117, oct. 2023. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1521637


Resumen El número de personas en tratamiento con fármacos anticoagulantes o antiplaquetarios está en crecimiento constante debido al aumento de la supervivencia de los pacientes con fibrilación auricular, válvulas cardiacas mecánicas o que han sufrido un evento isquémico o trombótico agudo. Cuando estos pacientes necesitan un procedimiento radiológico intervencionista que acarrea riesgo de sangrado, es necesario analizar el riesgo trombótico del paciente al interrumpir la medicación frente al riesgo hemorrágico del procedimiento para tomar la decisión más adecuada en cada caso. Por tanto, es una decisión individualizada y supone un desafío para los/as radiólogos/as que realicen estas técnicas. Nuestro objetivo en esta revisión es mostrar las recomendaciones actuales sobre el manejo perioperatorio de la medicación anticoagulante y antiplaquetaria, adaptada al intervencionismo radiológico.

Abstract The number of people treated with anticoagulant or antiplatelet agents is constantly growing due to the increased survival of patients with atrial fibrillation, mechanical cardiac valves or who have suffered an acute thrombotic or ischemic event. When these patients need an interventional radiological procedure that carries a risk of bleeding, it is necessary to analyze the thrombotic risk of the patient when interrupting the medication against the hemorrhagic risk of the procedure, to make the most appropriate decision in each case. Therefore, it is an individualized decision, and it is a challenge for radiologists who perform these techniques. Our goal in this review is to update the current recommendations on the perioperative management of anticoagulant and antiplatelet agents, adapted to the radiological interventionism.

Rev. colomb. cir ; 38(4): 600-609, 20230906. tab, fig
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1509683


Introducción. La evaluación del riesgo es fundamental en el éxito quirúrgico. Las perspectivas de los actores involucrados en el proceso de atención deben alinearse con el fin de planear, comunicar y ejecutar adecuadamente las intervenciones necesarias. El objetivo de este escrito fue analizar el riesgo quirúrgico, considerando los posibles factores relacionados con su estimación, comunicación y comprensión en la práctica clínica. Métodos. Análisis crítico y reflexivo de la información disponible, contrastado con la práctica usual. Se hace un ejercicio con situaciones clínicas habituales. Resultados. La complejidad de los pacientes, los recursos, el contexto y la naturaleza de las intervenciones, demandan una aproximación del riesgo implícito de una cirugía con instrumentos evaluativos confiables y reproducibles. Las percepciones por los médicos, pacientes y administradores en salud acerca del impacto de una cirugía difieren según sus intereses. La transmisión de los resultados es un reto ante la asimetría en el conocimiento, la complejidad de los procedimientos y la incertidumbre en los resultados. La comunicación efectiva, como una competencia, se hace altamente pertinente en la actividad del médico. Facilitar la comprensión del mensaje exige una práctica continua y un proceso de mejoramiento adaptado al contexto de la atención en salud. Conclusiones. El riesgo quirúrgico exige una metodología clara y fiable en su evaluación, comunicación y comprensión entre los actores del sistema de salud. Su presencia está asociada a la actividad profesional de los médicos y requiere competencias que permitan un abordaje no lineal del tema. Es una actividad profesional con el fin de mejorar los desenlaces en salud y la calidad de las intervenciones

Introduction. Evaluation of surgical risk is fundamental in surgical success. The perspectives of the actors involved in the care process must be aligned to adequately plan, communicate, and execute the necessary interventions. The aim of this article is to analyze surgical risk, considering possible factors related to its estimation, communication and understanding in clinical practice. Methods. Critical and reflective analysis of the available information, contrasted with the usual practice. An exercise is done with usual clinical situations. Discussion. Complexity of the patients, resources, context, and nature of the interventions demand an approximation of the implicit risk of surgery with reliable and reproducible evaluation instruments. Perceptions by physicians, patients, and health administrators about the impact of surgery differ according to their interests. The transmission of results is a challenge in the face of asymmetry in knowledge, complexity of procedures and uncertainty in results. Effective communication as a competence becomes highly relevant in the physician's activity. Facilitating the understanding of the message requires continuous practice and an improvement process adapted to the context of health care. Conclusions. Surgical risk requires a clear and reliable methodology in its evaluation, communication and understanding among the actors of the health system. Their presence is associated with the professional activity of doctors and requires skills that allow a non-linear approach to the subject. It is a professional activity that must be empowered to improve health outcomes and the quality of interventions.

Humans , Physician-Patient Relations , Communication , Risk Management , General Surgery , Communication Barriers
Interdisciplinaria ; 40(2): 559-578, ago. 2023. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1448510


Resumen Los gobiernos municipales de Costa Rica tienen un papel significativo en el Sistema Nacional de Gestión del Riesgo (SNGR) para enfrentar las múltiples amenazas y riesgos que afectan al país desde sus territorios. Los distintos marcos y políticas que trabajan en el enfoque de la Gestión del Riesgo de Desastres (GRD) promueven la realización de análisis de riesgos como proceso que contribuye a su reducción y mitigación, y destacan el enfoque de género como principio o eje para visibilizar la necesidad de realizar revisiones y acciones diferenciadas por género. El presente artículo recoge la investigación realizada que responde a la pregunta "¿Cuáles son los elementos psicosociales que influyen en la puesta en práctica de la transversalización del enfoque de género en los procesos de la GRD de las oficinas municipales?" Esta pregunta se respondió desde la Psicología Social Comunitaria y la Psicología Social Feminista. Se realizó un estudio con enfoque cualitativo y diseño fenomenológico, en el que se aplicaron entrevistas a representantes institucionales en GRD y género. Se identificaron doce elementos psicosociales que influyen en la transversalización del enfoque de género en la GRD municipal, que deben visibilizarse y pueden ser trabajados para abordar los riesgos de dos poblaciones históricamente discriminadas: mujeres y población LGTBIQ+. Trabajar las desigualdades de género como causa subyacente del riesgo es prioritario para la GRD.

Abstract The city governments of Costa Rica have a significant role in the National Risk Management System (SNGR in Spanish) to face the multiple threats and risks that affect the country from their territories. The different frameworks and policies that work with the Disaster Risk Management approach, among which are international (e. g., Sendai Framework for Action), regional (e. g., Central American Policy for Comprehensive Disaster Risk Management), and national instruments (e. g., National Risk Management Policy), promote risk analysis as a process that contributes to their reduction and mitigation, which, together with specific policies focused on gender (e. g., Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women [CEDAW]), highlight the gender approach as a principle or axis, making the need to carry out reviews and actions differentiated by gender visible. The growth of inequalities in events such as disasters emphasizes the fact that there are gender differences in the perception of risks, the levels of vulnerability that exist and the capacities to cope. This article collects the research carried out that answers the question: "What are the psychosocial elements that influence the implementation of mainstreaming the gender approach in DRM processes in municipal offices?" from Community Social Psychology and Feminist Social Psychology. A study with a qualitative approach and phenomenological design was carried out, in which interviews were applied to institutional representatives in DRM and gender. The first seeks to promote processes of social transformation, considering the psychosocial processes that permeate community dynamics, which, in turn, are influenced by specific contexts. As for Feminist Psychology, it promotes the identification of inequalities and the creation of options for change. The relationship between feminist political perspectives and psychological practices and sexual and gender differences were considered as causes of inequalities, generating certain psychosocial analyzes not widely developed so far. A subjective perspective to the lived experience of the people participating in the research was considered in order to emphasize the meanings and knowledge as a process, based on interviews with institutional representatives of municipal offices and national institutions both focused on DRM or gender. Twelve psychosocial elements that influence the mainstreaming of the gender approach in municipal DRM were identified: the need for training and awareness, the requirement of political will, the naturalization of gender roles and stereotypes, the recognition of gender differences, resistance to mainstreaming gender, subjectivity, the presence or absence of inter and intra-institutional articulations, the social participation of women, the recognition of gender violence, the recognition of vulnerable populations, the cultural context and social inequalities. Moreover, gender inequalities are recognized as an element that affects and emphasizes the vulnerabilities of specific populations, such as women of different ages, transgender people, people with disabilities, among others. The research allowed an approach to ten different territorial contexts where DRM is put into practice from an office or as a process, and how the experience of the people who lead them understands the gender approach, contrasting with the institutional perspective applied at the national level. It is concluded that these should be made visible and can be worked on to address the risks of two historically discriminated populations: women and LGTBIQ+ population. Considering gender inequalities as an underlying cause of risk is a priority for Disaster Risk Management.

BrJP ; 6(2): 194-207, Apr.-June 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1513784


ABSTRACT BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Patient-controlled analgesia (PCA) is effective in controlling pain, but has numerous associated risks, such as: hypotension, respiratory depression, seizures and excessive sedation. The promotion of patient safety aims to reduce the risk of unnecessary health injuries and, therefore, it is important to analyze the failures and risk factors present throughout the process proactively. Therefore, the aim of this study was to map the available evidence on the risks of adverse events associated with the PCA technique and patient safety actions. CONTENTS: This is a scoping review conducted according to the JBI methodology, whose research question was based on the PCC strategy. The source of information is open and the search occurred in three stages. The databases used were: Medline/Pubmed; LILACS; CINAHL/ EBSCOhost; CENTRAL; Portal Capes; SCOPUS; Web of Science; Google academic; Brazilian Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations; Portal NICE; and Portal ISMP. The search strategy was divided into 3 stages: the first occurred in Medline and Cinahl to identify articles and index terms on the topic; the second used all keywords in all included databases; the third consisted of tracking searches in the reference lists of the included studies. The search resulted in 1,164 studies, of which 83 were selected based on the inclusion criteria: addressing the risks associated with the PCA pump or safety measures, hospital context, without restriction as to the type of study, language, and year. The studies are distributed in categories: previous diseases, profile of indications, types of opioids, types of pump and infusion, adverse effects, incidents without harm, stages of risk, and safety measures. CONCLUSION: This study made it possible to identify the risks of adverse events associated with the use of PCA in different stages and safety actions, demonstrating that when performed with appropriate patients, trained staff, safe devices, and correct prescription it provides a statistically significant improvement in pain relief, safely with advantages that conventional analgesia does not have.

RESUMO JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: A analgesia controlada pelo paciente (ACP) é eficaz no controle da dor, porém apresenta inúmeros riscos associados, tais como: hipotensão arterial, depressão respiratória, convulsões e sedação excessiva. A promoção da segurança do paciente visa reduzir o risco de lesões desnecessárias à saúde e, para tanto, é importante analisar as falhas e fatores de risco presentes em todo o processo de forma proativa. Portanto, o objetivo deste estudo foi mapear as evidências disponíveis sobre os riscos de eventos adversos associados à técnica de ACP e a ações de segurança do paciente. CONTEÚDO: Trata-se de uma revisão de escopo realizada segundo a metodologia Joanna Briggs Institute para Scoping Reviews, cuja questão de pesquisa se baseou na estratégia PCC (P: população; C: conceito; C: contexto). As bases de dados utilizadas foram: Medline/Pubmed, LILACS, CINAHL/EBSCOhost, CENTRAL, Portal Capes, SCOPUS, Web of Science, Google acadêmico, Biblioteca Digital Brasileira de Teses e Dissertações, Portal NICE, Portal ISMP. A estratégia de busca foi dividida em 3 etapas: a primeira ocorreu na Medline e Cinahl para identificar artigos e termos de índice sobre o tema; a segunda utilizou todas as palavras-chaves em todas as bases de dados incluídas; a terceira consistiu no rastreamento de pesquisas nas listas de referências dos estudos incluídos. A busca resultou em 1.164 estudos, dos quais 83 foram selecionados com base nos seguintes critérios de inclusão: abordagem dos riscos associados à bomba de ACP ou a medidas de segurança, contexto hospitalar, sem restrição quanto ao tipo de estudo, idioma e ano. Os achados sintetizados estão distribuídos em categorias: doenças prévias, perfil das indicações, tipos de opioides, tipos de bomba e de infusão, efeitos adversos, incidentes sem lesões, estágios de risco e medidas de segurança. CONCLUSÃO: Este estudo possibilitou identificar os riscos de eventos adversos associados ao uso da ACP em diferentes estágios e ações de segurança, demonstrando que quando realizada com pacientes adequados, com equipe treinada, dispositivos seguros e prescrição correta, fornece uma melhora estatisticamente significativa no alívio da dor, de forma segura e com vantagens que a analgesia convencional não possui.

Nursing (Ed. bras., Impr.) ; 26(297): 9339-9343, mar.2023. tab
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1427592


Objetivo: identificar a melhoria por meio da gestão de risco aplicada aos processos de aquisição e distribuição de insulinas humanas NPH. Método: O estudo foi realizado por etapas: em 1º momento foram realizadas reuniões (Brainstorming) e em 2º momento foi elaborado um formulário eletrônico em forma de questionário sendo mostrado os "eventos" de riscos com os pesos inerentes à probabilidade e ao impacto que geraram o risco inerente aos processos de aquisição e distribuição de insulinas humanas NPH e Regular pelo Ministério da Saúde. Resultados: Considerando os processos houve maior incidência de riscos médios. Não foi apontado risco muito baixo, não foi identificado risco extremo e foram apresentados apenas 02 (dois) riscos altos. Conclusão: A gestão de risco do referido estudo é uma ferramenta de melhoria para os processos de aquisição e distribuição de insulinas humanas NPH e Regular pelo Ministério da Saúde.(AU)

Objective: to identify improvement through risk management applied to the acquisition and distribution processes of NPH human insulins. Method: The study was carried out in stages: in the 1st moment, meetings were held (Brainstorming) and in the 2nd moment, an electronic form was elaborated in the form of a questionnaire, showing the risk "events" with the weights inherent to the probability and impact they generated the risk inherent in the acquisition and distribution processes of NPH and Regular human insulins by the Ministry of Health. Results: Considering the processes, there was a higher incidence of medium risks. No very low risk was indicated, no extreme risk was identified and only 02 (two) high risks were presented. Conclusion: The risk management of the aforementioned study is an improvement tool for the processes of acquisition and distribution of NPH and Regular human insulins by the Ministry of Health.(AU)

Risk Management , Unified Health System , Insulin, Regular, Human , Insulin, Isophane
Cogitare Enferm. (Online) ; 28: e88604, Mar. 2023. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1514037


RESUMO Objetivo: demonstrar a aplicabilidade da ferramenta Healthcare Failure Mode and Effect Analysis para analisar, preventivamente, os riscos relativos ao processo de inserção, manutenção e retirada de cateter intravenoso periférico. Método: estudo teórico, realizado de agosto a novembro de 2022, em São Paulo-SP, Brasil, cujo processo foi mapeado em etapas/atividades, detalhando-se os modos de falha, com o uso da ferramenta. Calculou-se o Risk Priority Number, elaborou-se a matriz de severidade e probabilidade, adaptada à saúde por DeRosier e colaboradores, e propuseram-se as ações para reduzir os modos de falha. Resultados: identificaram-se como maiores riscos: "realizar antissepsia da área a ser puncionada com swab de álcool" e "desinfecção do conector com swab de álcool" sendo recomendados treinamentos e uso de kit de materiais como principais estratégias de mitigação. Conclusão: conhecer os riscos associados ao cateter intravenoso periférico, fundamenta a implementação de estratégias preventivas, minimizando a ocorrência de danos e os custos assistenciais deles decorrentes.

ABSTRACT Objective: to demonstrate the applicability of the Healthcare Failure Mode and Effect Analysis tool to analyze, preventively, the risks related to the process of insertion, maintenance, and removal of peripheral intravenous catheters. Method: theoretical study, conducted from August to November 2022, in São Paulo-SP, Brazil, whose process was mapped in stages/activities, detailing the failure modes, using the tool. The Risk Priority Number was calculated, the severity and probability matrix was elaborated, adapted to health by DeRosier and collaborators, and actions were proposed to reduce failure modes. Results: The major risks identified were: "perform antisepsis of the area to be punctured with an alcohol swab" and "disinfect the connector with an alcohol swab", and were recommended training and use of kit materials as the main mitigation strategies. Conclusion: knowing the risks associated with peripheral intravenous catheters is the basis for the implementation of preventive strategies, minimizing the occurrence of damage and the associated healthcare costs.

RESUMEN Objetivo: demostrar la aplicabilidad de la herramienta Healthcare Failure Mode and Effect Analysis para analizar, de forma preventiva, los riesgos relacionados con el proceso de inserción, mantenimiento y retirada de catéteres intravenosos periféricos. Método: estudio teórico, realizado de agosto a noviembre de 2022, en São Paulo-SP, Brasil, cuyo proceso fue mapeado en etapas/actividades, detallando los modos de falla, utilizando la herramienta. Se calculó el Número de Prioridad de Riesgo, se elaboró la matriz de severidad y probabilidad, adaptada a la salud por DeRosier y colaboradores, y se propusieron acciones para reducir los modos de falla. Resultados: Los principales riesgos identificados fueron: "realizar la antisepsia de la zona a puncionar con un bastoncillo con alcohol" y "desinfectar el conector con un bastoncillo con alcohol", recomendándose como principales estrategias de mitigación la formación y el uso de kits de materiales. Conclusión: Conocer los riesgos asociados al catéter intravenoso periférico sienta las bases para la aplicación de estrategias preventivas, minimizando la aparición de daños y los costes sanitarios derivados de los mismos.

Risk Management , Catheterization , Administration, Intravenous
Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 28(3): 699-710, Mar. 2023. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1421190


Resumo O objetivo é analisar a classificação de risco de transmissão de doenças imunopreveníveis nos 853 municípios de Minas Gerais (MG) após dois anos de início da pandemia de COVID-19. Estudo epidemiológico com dados secundários da cobertura vacinal e taxa de abandono de dez imunobiológicos recomendados para crianças menores de 2 anos, no ano de 2021, em MG. Em relação à taxa de abandono, este indicador foi avaliado somente para as vacinas multidoses. Após o cálculo de todos os indicadores, os municípios do estado foram classificados de acordo com o risco de transmissão de doenças imunopreveníveis em cinco estratos. Minas Gerais apresentou 80,9% dos municípios classificados como alto risco para transmissão de doenças imunopreveníveis. Em relação à homogeneidade das coberturas vacinais (HCV), os municípios de grande porte apresentaram a maior porcentagem de HCV classificada como muito baixa e 100% desses municípios foram classificados como de alto ou muito alto risco para transmissão de doenças imunopreveníveis, com significância estatística. A utilização de indicadores de imunização por município é efetiva para o delineamento do cenário de cada território e a proposição de políticas públicas em saúde visando o aumento das coberturas vacinais.

Abstract The scope of this study is to analyze the risk classification of transmission of vaccine-preventable diseases (VPDs) in the 853 municipalities in the state of Minas Gerais (MG) two years after the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. It is an epidemiological study with secondary data on vaccination coverage and dropout rate of ten immuno-biologicals recommended for under 2-year-old children in 2021 in MG. With respect to the dropout rate, this indicator was only evaluated for the multidose vaccines. After calculating all the indicators, the municipalities of the state were classified according to the transmission risk of VPDs into five categories: very low, low, medium, high, and very high risk. Minas Gerais had 80.9% of municipalities classified as high transmission risk for VPDs. Regarding the homogeneity of vaccination coverage (HCV), large municipalities had the highest percentage of HCV classified as very low, and 100% of these municipalities were classified as high or very high risk for transmission of VPDs, with statistical significance. The use of immunization indicators by municipality is effective for the classification of the scenario of each territory and the proposal of public policies seeking to increase vaccination coverage.

Rev. méd. Chile ; 151(2): 139-150, feb. 2023. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1522073


BACKGROUND: Quality improvement is an important component of hospital operations. AIM: To prioritise clinical quality and safety problems in Chilean hospitals according to their severity, frequency, and detectability. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The study was conducted between December 2018 and June 2019. To identify quality and safety problems, an exploratory study was conducted using an online survey aimed to those responsible for clinical quality and safety in Chilean hospitals. The survey was sent to 94 hospitals and completed by quality management personnel at 34 hospitals, yielding a total of 25 valid surveys for analysis. Based on the information gathered, a risk priority score was computed to rank the problems surveyed. Focus groups were held to find the root causes of the quality and safety problem with the highest risk priority score. RESULTS: The three highest risk priorities were:1 ineffective interprofessional communication,2 lack of leadership for addressing frequently recurring safety issues, and3 antimicrobial resistance due to inappropriate use of antibiotics. For the communication problem, the focus group found two main root causes: those due to personnel and those relating to the hospitals themselves. CONCLUSIONS: Hospitals can systematically use the proposed approach to categorize their main clinical quality and safety problems, analyze their causes, and then design solutions.

ANTECEDENTES: La mejora continua de la calidad es un componente importante en las actividades hospitalarias. OBJETIVO: Priorizar los problemas de calidad y seguridad en hospitales chilenos de acuerdo a su severidad, frecuencia y detectabilidad. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Se efectuó un estudio exploratorio con una encuesta en línea para detectar problemas de calidad y seguridad, dirigida a quienes están a cargo de los problemas de calidad y seguridad en los hospitales. La encuesta fue enviada a 94 hospitales y respondida por los encargados de calidad y seguridad en 34 de ellos, lográndose 25 encuestas válidas para análisis. El estudio se llevó a cabo entre diciembre de 2018 y junio de 2019. Se diseñó una escala de prioridades de riesgo para determinar la importancia relativa de los problemas detectados. Se llevaron a cabo grupos focales para determinar las causas del problema más importante. RESULTADOS: En Chile, los problemas de calidad y seguridad más importantes son la falta de comunicación interprofesional, falta de liderazgo para abordar los problemas de seguridad y calidad, y resistencia a antibióticos debido a su uso inapropiado. Problemas relacionados al personal y relacionados al hospital fueron las causas primarias de la falta de comunicación. CONCLUSIONES: Los hospitales podrían utilizar este enfoque de forma sistemática para categorizar sus principales problemas de calidad y seguridad, analizar las causas y diseñar soluciones.

Humans , Root Cause Analysis , Hospitals , Chile , Surveys and Questionnaires , Patient Safety
REME rev. min. enferm ; 27: 1511, jan.-2023. Tab.
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1525394


Objetivo: descrever o perfil das quedas notificadas de pacientes internados em um hospital público e de ensino. Método: estudo descritivo e retrospectivo, com análise estatística descritiva, inferencial e de correspondência múltipla dos dados de notificações do aplicativo Vigilância em Saúde e Gestão de Riscos Assistenciais Hospitalares sobre quedas de pacientes internados entre 2017 e 2019. Resultados: predominaram, dentre 153 notificações de quedas no período, as ocorridas no quarto, em unidades de atendimento cirúrgico, emergencial e clínico, sofridas por pacientes do sexo masculino, na faixa etária entre 20 e 59 anos. Nesta, destacaram-se os idosos. A abrasão foi o dano mais relatado. A análise de correspondência múltipla não apresentou significância. Conclusão: a análise dos eventos notificados contribuiu para o planejamento e a implantação do Programa Fall Tailoring Interventions for Patient Safety Brasil para aprimoramento da gestão dos riscos relacionados.(AU)

Objective: to describe the profile of reported falls of patients admitted to a public and teaching hospital. Method: descriptive and retrospective study, with descriptive, inferential, and multiple correspondence statistical analysis of notification data from the Health Surveillance and Hospital Care Risk Management app on falls of hospitalized patients between 2017 and 2019. Results: predominated, among 153 notifications of falls in the period, those occurring in the ward, in surgical, emergency, and clinical care units, suffered by male patients, aged between 20 and 59 years. In this, the elderly stood out. Abrasion was the most reported harm. Multiple correspondence analysis did not show significance. Conclusion: the analysis of reported events contributed to the planning and implementation of the Fall Tailoring Interventions for Patient Safety Program in Brazil to improve the management of related risks.(AU)

Objetivo: describir el perfil de las caídas de pacientes internados reportadas en un hospital público y de enseñanza. Método: estudio descriptivo y retrospectivo, con análisis estadístico descriptivo, inferencial y análisis de correspondencias múltiples de datos de notificación de la aplicación Vigilancia en Salud y Gestión de Riesgos de Atención Hospitalaria sobre caídas de pacientes hospitalizados entre 2017 y 2019. Resultados: predominó, entre 153 notificaciones de caídas en el período, las ocurridas en el dormitorio, en unidades quirúrgicas, de emergencia y de atención clínica, sufridos por pacientes del sexo masculino, con edades entre 20 y 59 años. En este último, se destacaron los adultos mayores. La abrasión fue el daño más reportado. El análisis de correspondencia múltiple no mostró significación. Conclusión: el análisis de los eventos notificados contribuyó para la planificación e implementación del Programa Fall Tailoring Interventions for Patient Safety en Brasil para mejorar la gestión de sus riesgos re-lacionados.(AU

Humans , Male , Female , Infant, Newborn , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Risk Management , Accidental Falls/statistics & numerical data , Patient Safety , Notification/statistics & numerical data , Hospitals, Teaching
Chinese Journal of Practical Nursing ; (36): 2033-2039, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-990446


Objective:To build the standardized knowledge base for hierarchical prevention care of neonatal hypoglycemia based on the risk prediction model of neonatal hypoglycemia, and to provide a decision-making basis for risk management to achieve predicitive neonatal hypoglycemia.Methods:Based on the best evidence summarized in strategies for the prevention and management of neonatal hypoglycemia published in 2020, evidence on the prevention and management of neonatal hypoglycemia was searched from BMJ Best Practice, UpToDate, Registered Nurses Association of Ontario, CNKI and other domestic and foreign databases and professional association websites. The retrieval period was from September 1, 2019 to August 31, 2022. The quality of newly included literature was evaluated, new evidence was extracted, and the best evidence in the prevention and management strategy of neonatal hypoglycemia published in 2020 was summarized and combined to form the first draft of the knowledge base. Experts in the field of neonatal nursing were invited to revise and discuss each item of the knowledge base, and the final draft of the knowledge base was formed. The final draft of the knowledge base was coded using the 2.5 version of the Clinical care classification system as the standardized language.Results:The risk prediction model of neonatal hypoglycemia was used as a grading tool, the final draft of the knowledge included 1 nursing diagnosis, 6 modules and 18 specific preventive nursing measures.Conclusions:The knowledge base for hierarchical prevention care of neonatal hypoglycemia based on risk prediction model can realize the prospective hierarchical nursing of neonatal hypoglycemia, which is scientific and practical, and is the basis to assist nurses to make clinical decisions.

Chinese Journal of Practical Nursing ; (36): 412-417, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-990195


Objective:To explore the application of effect of healthcare failure mode and effect analysis (HFMEA) in emergency waiting risk management.Methods:From May 2020 to April 2021, totally 87 902 emergency waiting patients from the First Affiliated Hospital of Anhui Medical University were assigned to control group by cluster sampling method. From May 2021 to April 2022, 80 594 emergency waiting patients were assigned to observed group. The patients in the control group received routine emergency waiting of itinerant management mode. In contrast, the patients in the observed group received emergency waiting risk management mode based on HFMEA. The process risk priority number (RPN) and waiting risk management index between two groups were compared.Results:The mean RPN of the observed group was (98.48 ± 8.27) points, significantly lower than that of the control group (251.27 ± 16.95) points. The nurses′ pre-identification rates of changes in the condition and adverse reaction in the observed group were 10.77%(8680/80 594) and 13.37%(10 775/80 594), which were higher than those in the control group, 5.77%(5072/87 902) and 8.12%(7134/87 902), the differences were statistically significant ( χ2 values were 1402.32 and 1221.66, all P<0.05). Conclusions:The application of HFMEA to optimize the emergency waiting management process can effectively reduce the risk of emergency waiting and improve the quality of emergency waiting management.

China Journal of Chinese Materia Medica ; (24): 1407-1412, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-970611


Quality control is pivotal in the research and development of traditional Chinese medicine, whose connotation is not limi-ted to the qualitative or quantitative detection of an indicator component, but extends to the establishment of a whole process quality control system from the perspective of pharmaceutical product lifecycle management. This study discussed the quality control strategy of Chinese medicine based on the concept of pharmaceutical product lifecycle management, and proposed the following suggestions:(1) to focus on the "holistic view" and "phased" characteristics of quality control and strengthen the establishment of quality control strategy based on top-level design;(2) to strengthen the research on quality control of Chinese medicine based on quality risk management, focus on the correlations of quality control indicators with the safety and effectiveness of traditional Chinese medicine, and establish a quality evaluation system consistent with the characteristics of traditional Chinese medicine;(3) to consider the characteristics of different registration classifications in the establishment of quality control strategy;(4) to highlight the quality correlation research, strengthen the quality transfer research, ensure the quality traceability, and establish a sound quality management system;(5) to strengthen the quality research on marketed drugs to achieve dynamic quality improvement.

Medicine, Chinese Traditional , Drugs, Chinese Herbal/therapeutic use , Quality Control
Acta Paul. Enferm. (Online) ; 36: eAPE00952, 2023. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1439055


Resumo Objetivo Analisar as notificações de incidentes ocorridos durante a pandemia de COVID-19. Métodos Estudo com delineamento transversal de abordagem quantitativa do tipo descritivo exploratório. Foram analisadas 1.466 notificações à gerência de risco de um hospital privado, no período de setembro de 2020 a setembro de 2021. Utilizou-se a análise estatística descritiva, aplicando o teste Qui-quadrado de Pearson ou o teste da Razão de Verossimilhança. A margem de erro utilizada foi de 5%. Resultados Identificou-se como incidentes prevalentes a falha na comunicação (358 - 24,5%), falha no uso de sondas e cateteres (232 - 15,9%) e falha no uso de artigos e equipamentos (132 - 9,1%). A circunstância notificável totalizou (55,9%) dos relatos e destas, (33,4%) eram falha na comunicação. Os eventos adversos foram em número de 416 (28,6%) e a queda esteve relacionada a dano leve (43,9%); Infecção relacionada à assistência à saúde ao dano moderado (31%) e a falha no uso de medicamentos a (50%) como dano grave e óbito. Conclusão Falha na comunicação foi a circunstância de risco mais notificada, seguida de falha no uso de medicamentos como evento adverso com dano grave. A unidade de enfermaria evidenciou a possibilidade de maior número de eventos adversos; enquanto que nas unidades de terapia intensiva o grau de dano dos eventos adversos foi superior.

Resumen Objetivo Analizar las notificaciones de incidentes ocurridos durante la pandemia de COVID-19. Métodos Estudio con diseño transversal de enfoque cuantitativo del tipo descriptivo exploratorio. Se analizaron 1.466 notificaciones de la gestión de riesgo de un hospital privado, en el período de septiembre de 2020 a septiembre de 2021. Se utilizó el análisis estadístico descriptivo, aplicando la prueba χ2 de Pearson o la prueba de razón de verosimilitud. El margen de error utilizado fue del 5 %. Resultados Se identificaron como incidentes prevalentes la falla en la comunicación (358 - 24,5 %), falla en el uso de sondas y de catéteres (232 - 15,9 %) y falla en el uso de artículos y equipos (132 - 9,1 %). Las circunstancias que pueden ser notificadas totalizaron (55,9 %) de los relatos y, entre ellas, (33,4 %) era una falla en la comunicación. Los eventos adversos totalizaron 416 (28,6 %) y la disminución estuvo relacionada con el daño leve (43,9 %); infección relacionada con la atención a la salud al daño moderado (31 %) y a la falla al usar medicamentos (50 %) como daño grave y defunción. Conclusión La falla en la comunicación fue la circunstancia de riesgo más notificada, seguida de falla al usar medicamentos como evento adverso con daño grave. La unidad de enfermería evidenció la posibilidad de un número más elevado de eventos adversos; mientras que en las unidades de terapia intensiva el grado de daño de los eventos adversos fue superior.

Abstract Objective To review notification of incidents that occurred during the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods This is a cross-sectional, exploratory descriptive quantitative study. A total of 1,466 notifications to risk management of a private hospital were analyzed from September 2020 to September 2021. Descriptive statistical analysis was used, applying Pearson's chi-square test or the likelihood ratio test. The margin of error used was 5%. Results Communication failure (358 - 24.5%), probe and catheter use failure (232 - 15.9%) and article and equipment use failure (132 - 9.1%) were identified as prevalent incidents. The notifiable circumstance totaled 55.9% of reports, and, of these, 33.4% were communication failure. Adverse events were 416 (28.6%), and fall was related to mild damage (43.9%), health care-associated infections, to moderate harm (31%), and medication use failure (50%), to severe harm and death. Conclusion Communication failure was the most reported risk circumstance, followed by medication use failure as an adverse event with severe harm. The nursing unit showed the possibility of a greater number of adverse events, while in Intensive Care Units, the degree of harm from adverse events was higher.